Post-Op Visit: Week 2/3

Today I went for my post-op visit 2.5 weeks after surgery. The doctor re-measured my eyes with my glasses on and told me that my eyes are straight, while intermittently turning 2 degrees, which is caught only when doing eye measurements, but not noticeable about other people. 2 degrees is about 3.5 diopters deviation. I have read that up to 10 diopters deviation is considered cosmetically straight. I was relieved and very happy to hear that. He said you would it to be straight and slightly turning inward rather than turning outward.

I told him that my vision on my operated eye is very blurry in the distance and that I think I needed new eyeglasses. He did a vision test and he actually told me that I saw better this time than the day after surgery. He said to hold off the new glasses until the eyes heal more first. It is blurry because the surface area is still not completely healed yet. He also looked at my eye with a light and said my eyes are very dry even though I didn’t feel they were dry; so I got some GenTeal eyedrops after the appointment.

There is still some slight redness, but not noticeable at all unless I looked to the far right or left. My next post-op visit is in 2 months and if my vision is still poor, I will get a new prescription then.

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